A Lost Brontë Story Rediscovered
‘L’Ingratitude’, a story written by Charlotte Brontë in French for her teacher Constantin Heger and thought lost for over a century, has just been found by researcher Brian Bracken at a museum in Charleroi. Follow the link to read the short tale — a fable reminiscent of the works of the celebrated French fabulist, La Fontaine — in the original French, in an English translation, or listen in to a podcast read by actress Gillian Anderson.
Feasting On Art
I'm really loving this wonderful blog by Megan Fizell, who offers up intriguing recipes inspired by great works of art. This is a good one.
Top 50 Romantic Lines From Literature
Swoon over these delectable and inspiring lines from literary classics old and new. Sigh.
City Portraits
Check out these mind bending building images by Spanish photographer Victor Enrich, who digitally manipulates his work into extraordinary structures — like Escher gone 3D.
The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa
Strange but true story of how on Monday 21 August, 1911, a man named Vincenzo Peruggia walked out of the Louvre with the Mona Lisa hidden under his jacket. No one saw him take it, and for more than 24 hours no one even realised it was gone. Via The Browser.
Miss Honeywell, the World's First Robotic Woman
Have a look at this amusing 1968 short film in which the world's first robotic woman demonstrates the latest technological gadgetry from the computer division of Honeywell. Via Laughing Squid.
Make Me Smile
Novelist Laura Barton chooses eight songs that always cheer her up, from Kiri Te Kanawa singing the aria O Mio Babbino Caro from Puccini’s opera Gianni Schicchi to Little Acorns by The White Stripes. Intriguing list.
Martin Scorsese's Film School
Great list of 85 classic films selected by Martin Scorsese — all of these are definite must sees for anyone with a serious interest in film.
Oven Candied Tangerines
A simple recipe and a lovely post from the Feasting On Art blog, inspired by the gorgeous still life painting Still Life with Wrapped Tangerines from 1889 by William Joseph McCloskey.
(lovely photo from the portfolio of stylist glen proebstel. via katrina herschell)