50+ Vintage Garment Labels
Great little slide show over at LA Times magazine of vintage garment labels. Good to know I'm not the only design geek — one of the things I've always loved to do when shopping in vintage clothing stores is checking out the labels.
The Neuroscience of Your Brain On Fiction
Can reading fiction make you a better person? Now there's scientific evidence that it really does. From the NYT article by Anne Murphy Paul: "Brain scans are revealing what happens in our heads when we read a detailed description, an evocative metaphor or an emotional exchange between characters. Stories, this research is showing, stimulate the brain and even change how we act in life." Love this.
Five Minutes With Audrey Tautou
W Magazine interviews the star of Amelie about her latest film and about the art of acting.
Want to eat better but find yourself overwhelmed at the grocery store? Fooducate is a handy little app that allows you to scan the bar code of an item with your iPhone, check out the ingredients, and then choose a healthier option. Very cool.
A Woman Like No Other
Great NYT piece on the inspiring career of Gloria Steinem.
Early Dickens Film
Have a look at the recently discovered The Death of Poor Joe, dating from 1901 and, at only 61 seconds long, the earliest surviving Charles Dickens film, an adaptation of Dickens’ novel Bleak House.
Check out this photo series by French photographer Denis Darzacq, a collaboration with Parisian dancers who float suspended mid-air in supermarkets — a poetic comment on escaping materialism.
Katherine Hepburn's Brownies
Katherine Hepburn shared her favourite brownie recipe in an August 1975 interview with The Ladies' Home Journal — and now you can enjoy it too.
(lovely photo via fritz hansen by way of decor8)