Located in the heart of the eleventh arrondissement in Paris, this lovely loft proudly retains its industrial past, thanks to a sensitive restoration by Michel Peraches and Eric Miele. This loft is one of five, located above old furniture shops in the Paul Bert Saint-Ouen antiques market. The original U shaped layout has been kept, with the loft wrapped around a central courtyard — a terrace overlooking the courtyard fills in the space between the two arms of the U. The original metal windows throughout fill the apartment with natural light all day, while the large main living area allows for a fluidity of movement. An easy going mix of eras and styles informs the furnishing and decor of the loft, with Verner Panton chairs, metal military camp tables, a Jean Prouvé bed, an eighteenth century chandelier, industrial shelving and curtains made of old sheets all coexisting happily together. Love. More here. Via Côté Maison. (photography by nicolas mathéus)