Adore Magazine
The latest issue of Adore is out — make some tea (or other soothing beverage) and settle down for a lovely read.
The 60 Year Job: The Queen
More Intelligent Life has an interesting series on people who have held jobs for more than 60 years — this week they look at the formidable schedule of Queen Elizabeth, who at age 85 is as busy as she was 20 years ago.
Artists in the World
Great website of links featuring artists working in their studios. Love this.
The 10 Most Iconic Accessories of Famous Authors
Check out the idiosyncrasies of such authors as Vladimir Nabokov (butterfly net), William Faulkner (pipe) and Edith Wharton (puppies!).
Seven Short Films About Obsolete Occupations
Brain Pickings has a great round up of documentaries about occupations that are slowly dying out — follow the link to see bittersweet stories of a man with the world's largest vinyl record collection, a film projectionist, a shoe polisher, a glass sign artist, a sword maker, a tap dancer and a letterpress printer (though I'd argue about the last one, as there's been a real renaissance of this craft in the last few years).
25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore
As a longtime book person (and onetime bookstore employee) I loved reading this charming list by a used bookstore owner.
The Worst Acting Snubs in Oscars History
With the Academy Awards happening later this month, here's an intriguing list of some of the most surprising upsets in the history of the Oscars.
Parmesan Baked Eggs
Eggs, fresh herbs, butter, cream and parmesan — what's not to love about this recipe? Perfect for a special Sunday brunch. Via Pinch of Yum.
(photograph by melanie acevedo)