By chance while on a visit to Switzerland, Belgian Ludovic Orts happened upon the town of Commeire, which had been abandoned in the 1960s after the exodus of farmers to the plains, as making a living in the mountains had become too difficult. It was love at first sight for Ludovic, who fell for the stunning mountain scenery and instantly decided to buy and restore a barn there. The original structure was maintained, while local craftsmen were hired to do the traditional woodwork details — though a few eco-friendly additions like solar panels on the roof were added to keep it from impacting its surroundings. Now Ludovic has given new life to the rest of the abandoned hamlet, gradually purchasing five other barns and chalets and, with the help of Swiss architectural firm Devanthéry & Lamunière, has carefully restored these as well. Ludovic plans to rent out these newly renovated retreats for weekends or holidays, to nature lovers like him who are committed to the protection of the environment. Waking up to that mountain view each morning would truly be magical. More here on Marie Claire Maison.