The History of Chocolate and the Advent Calendar
A little food history piece by Maddie Donnelly for Gourmet, with a link to delectable chocolate recipes.
Shop Girls
Photographer Gareth McConnell turns his lens on the women who work at various clothing stores in London, from vintage to high end. Love the amazing sense of personal style that shines in each portrait.
Lost Jane Austen Portrait Rediscovered
Up to now, it was thought that there was only one known portrait of novelist Jane Austen — one drawn by her sister Cassandra. Now Jane Austen scholar Dr. Paula Byrne believes she may have discovered a new one, a portrait of a female author acquired by her husband, Shakespeare scholar Jonathan Bate, at auction. Intriguing.
The Little Room of Danger and Depth
Australian writer Nigel Featherstone writes about his happiness on moving house and finally having room for all his books — and the joys of a personal library. Lovely essay.
How to Advertise for Art School
Check out these clever and funny series of ads promoting the College for Creative Studies, inspired by anti-drug PSAs.
Gifts of Canadian Nature
If you have someone on your holiday gift list who's hard to buy for, why not skip the tie or scarf route and give the gift of a symbolic acre of wildlife habitat? A donation in your family member or friend's name helps support land conservation work across Canada — and protects vulnerable species such as the Canada lynx and Northern saw-whet owl, too. You can view video info about the program here.
On Handwork
A short film featuring Renate Hiller, co-director of the Fiber Craft Studio at the Threefold Educational Center in Chestnut Ridge, NY, talking about the importance of handwork (knitting, etc.) in the modern world. Via Sylvie (thanks!).
A Wintry Vegetarian Dinner
Saveur has a delicious veggie menu that's perfect for a winter evening dinner with friends — Lemon Risotto, Provencal Bread with Olives and Herbs and Nutmeg Cake, plus a host of wonderful little starters and side dishes to accompany the meal, too.
(photo by dan gordan for sköna hem, via emmas designblogg by way of roseland greene)