Covet Garden
The new issue of Covet Garden is out and it's gorgeous — I love the featured apartment, with its great collection of vintage and found items. Make yourself a cup of tea and settle down for a happy read.
D Pages
Describing itself as 'by designers for anyone who loves design,' each month the e-mag D Pages provides a sneak peek into today's world of art & design from the perspective of the designers themselves. Lovely and inspiring. Check out the latest November 2011 issue.
Matchbook Magazine
The November issue is out! On the cover this month is Kate and Andy Spade, with a tour of their Park Avenue apartment inside. Perfect reading for a chilly late fall afternoon.
A Sister's Eulogy for Steve Jobs
Lovely and very moving tribute to the brilliant Steve Jobs by his sister, the writer Mona Simpson.
The History of the TV Dinner
From Gourmet online: "Brie Schwartz tells the story of the invention of the original couch potato meal and the savvy marketing campaign that put frozen dinners in millions of households." Fascinating peek at culinary history.
My Explosive Pal, Hunter S. Thompson
Johnny Depp reminisces about his funny — and frequently alarming — friendship with Hunter S. Thompson.
From Ugly House to Modernist Beauty
Once the street’s Victorian corner shop, this Hackney, east London building had been bombed in the blitz during WWII and clumsily rebuilt in the 1970s. After being unoccupied for two years, it was back on the market after its last owner, a builder, decided it wasn’t worth the effort. But Leigh Radford and Mel Crolla, both designers, saw its potential and bravely went ahead and bought it. See the slideshow for the lovely results.
The Revival of the Artisan
After more than 200 years in which the decorative arts and crafts have fought — and generally lost — the battle to stave off decline, both fields are enjoying a revival. Excellent.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Apple and Sage
Perfect for a chilly grey November day, this is one of those recipes for when you're hungry, cold and want something quick but satisfying. Add a side of salad or a mug of roasted tomato soup, and you're set. Via The Year in Food.
(lovely photo by anna williams)