Sweet Paul: Winter 2011
The winter holiday issue of the always lovely Sweet Paul magazine is live — settle down with a cup of tea and prepare to be inspired with lovely ideas for baking, gift making or decorating during the holiday season.
Back to the Future 2
Check out the latest installment of photographer Irina Werning's wonderful Back to the Future project, featuring reenactments of childhood photos. Love this. Oh — and slightly NSFW, as there's a bit of bareness.
A Town Creates Its Own Department Store
When the residents of Saranac Lake, a picturesque town in the Adirondacks, lost their local department store in 2002, getting basics like underwear or bed linens meant a drive to Plattsburgh, 50 miles away. But they also knew they didn't want a big box store moving in either — so they they decided to raise capital to open their own department store. Amazing story.
All the Single Ladies
Excellent long read by Kate Bolick in The Atlantic examining the changing state of being a single woman today. Highly recommended.
Fake Anything
Fun site that creates fake ads for fake products, such as Liz Lemon of 30 Rock's Night Cheese, the pungent Sex Panther cologne from Anchorman and Ron Swanson Classics.
Becoming a Novelist (or a Person)
Writer Haruki Murakami discusses what inspired him to become a writer — read this and be inspired by how the arts can give you a richer and more meaningful life. Via Brainpicker.
LIFE's 20 Worst Covers
It's always nice to see a publication laugh at itself — here LIFE magazine trawls through its archives and chooses 20 covers that probably should not have been given the green light.
Macro Kingdom III
Cool short video by Clemens Wirth, working with liquid nitrogen, dry ice, and various objects and liquids that he preceded to freeze and shatter — all accompanied by an interesting soundtrack. Links to versions I and II are below the video, too.
Italian Chicken Noodle Soup
With cold and flu season well under way, here's a comforting and delicious variation on the classic soup, courtesy of Gourmet magazine.
(lovely photo from emmas designblogg via decoratualma)