91 Magazine
Have a look at the UK's latest online publication — 91 Magazine. A new quarterly geared towards the vintage style and craft lover, it's produced by Caroline Taylor of the fab Patchwork Harmony blog and features articles on homes, style, vintage, shopping and crafts. Make yourself some tea and settle down for a lovely read.
The Gawper: An Animated Homage to Classic Horror Flicks
Cute black and white animated short, just in time for Hallowe'en.
Skin Deep: The Fall of Fur
Fascinating social history. Once the epitome of glamour, with a mink coat as the ultimate luxury, by the late 1960s wearing fur in the U.K. was on the decline — though surprisingly not so much due to animal rights as to central heating and the new fashions of the swinging sixties. Via The Browser.
UFO? Bird's Nest? No, a Tree Hotel!
Check out the unusual and eco-friendly room options at this Swedish hotel in the woods near the village of Hrads, population 600.
Is This the Future of Punctuation!?
Via the Wall Street Journal — on the misuse of apostrophes and our increasingly rhetorical language.
A Forgotten Harold Pinter Sketch Rediscovered
A lost 1960 sketch by playwright Harold Pinter, written for a revue and performed once, has been rediscovered — the Guardian reprints it here. Early but still classic (pause) Pinter.
How the Potato Changed the World
Fascinating history of the humble spud, which traveled to Europe from the Andes via the Spanish and thus changed the course of history. Via The Browser.
Hallowe'en Entertaining
Planning on having a Hallowe'en party this weekend? Forget about store bought candy and check out this great roundup of grown up drinks and finger foods from Saveur.
(image via spooky home — still tracking down the photo credit)