With verve and imagination Federica Naj Oleari has transformed her small apartment into a colourful private world that's rich in ideas. Overlooking a private garden, it's furnished with a mix of pieces either inherited from her family or found while browsing in shops, markets and museums. When it comes to the overall look of her space, bookstores are a favourite haunt for finding inspiration — and it's colour that has guided her choices the most. The green kitchen walls, for example, were matched to the shade that Bloomsbury group painter Vanessa Bell used in her paintings, while the purple in the living room was inspired by a vintage photo of the home of designer David Hicks. With references such as these, it's not surprising that Federica is passionate about art and photography, and her space is enlivened with an ever growing collection. But what could have been a formal exercise in colour theory is leavened with a healthy sense of humour — it's a playful space, meant to be enjoyed with a dash of irony. More here on Marie Claire Italia. (photography by denise bonenti)