Flick Chicks
From the latest issue of the New Yorker, the wonderful Mindy Kaling's guide to women in the movies. Love her.
Rei Kawakubo
Just found this, but it's still an interesting quick read. The elusive Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons responds to AnOther's question about what makes her a figurehead of fashion. Great images of her spring/summer 2010 collection, too.
Charles Dickens Characters Illustrated
To start a year-long celebration marking the bicentenary of Charles Dickens's birth, the Observer has a fun illustrated guide to some of the most vivid personalities in Dickens's work, from Miss Havisham to Mr Micawber, the Artful Dodger to Little Nell. Click on each figure to see details and a quote.
New Feist!
Stream the brand new Feist album Metals in full — follow the link!
People Who Became Nouns
Fun slideshow over at LIFE magazine of people who gave their names to things. Meet Madame de Pompadour, Enzo Ferrari, Charles Boycott, Henry Shrapnel, the Earl of Sandwich, Jules Leotard, and Amelia Bloomer among many others.
Stony Places
Check out this lovely slideshow of photos by Mariana Cook of stone walls — some of them thousands of years old — from around the world.
Neglected Classics Rediscovered
A new Bloomsbury digital imprint is reviving hundreds of neglected classics as ebooks, including out of print titles by authors such as Edith Sitwell, Monica Dickens and VS Pritchett. Very cool.
Upside Down Pear Cakes With Vanilla Honey and Cardamom Cream
Not only does this sound delicious, but the swooningly beautiful photographs and lovely meditative post that accompanies the recipe are well worth the read even if you don't bake. I do love roost.
(lovely photo by richard powers)