The Taste of Al Fresco
Does dining outdoors really make food taste better? Annalisa Barbieri has a look at the science of eating in the open air.
Awesome People Hanging Out Together
A tumblr that features photos (many vintage) of the famous hanging out — not only fun, but at times surprising (some of those party invitations appear to have been completely random).
An Argument For Natural Aging
Dominique Browning argues that the increasingly common use of invasive anti-aging procedures indicates that our society is developing a worryingly distorted image of what it means to grow older as a woman. Really thought provoking.
Hey You! What Are You Listening To?
Love this — Ty Cullens's video project, in which he asks headphones-wearing New York pedestrians what they're listening to as they go about their day.
Waiting for the End of the World
Fascinating Metropolis magazine piece about the Las Vegas home of a wealthy financier, who built a luxury fallout shelter underneath his house in 1978 — complete with a full-scale ranch house, guesthouse, pool, yard, and barbecue. Be sure to check out the slide show on the right, too. Via things magazine.
Top 10 Childhood Memoirs
Caradoc King chooses ten novels and/or autobiographies (several blend the two) that chronicle the complexities of childhood.
Inside the Belly of the Monster
Great slide show of Anish Kapoor's Leviathan installation at the Grand Palais in Paris. Wish I could see this in person.
A French Picnic for Early Summer
Saveur has a delicious menu for a French-style picnic — and anything with ratatouille has my vote!
(lovely photo by Melanie Acevedo)