In a 19th century home in Malmö, Emma and Kenneth lived on the second floor and had just finished renovating their new jointly owned third floor apartment when they heard that the fourth floor apartment was for sale. Impulsively, they bought it unseen, and as the couple selling not only knew them well but wanted a quick sale, the deal went through immediately. It was a wild gamble, as they hadn't had time to sell their current apartments, but as it turns out it paid off — the fourth floor apartment was not only larger, but it was in great condition, too — the original fixtures and floors were all intact, so all they had to do was paint the walls white. Because they love their new space so much, they've kept the furnishings simple, with finds from flea markets and auctions or even items found in the basement — all offset by Kenneth's vintage tin toy collection. Happily settled now, they say that they definitely have no plans to move! More (in Swedish) here on Allt i Hemmet. (photography by pernilla hed)