The May/June issue of Lonny magazine is out! Make yourself a cup of tea and settle down for a lovely read.
Cake in the Mail
Fascinating post about the mailing of royal wedding cake slices — part of a long-standing tradition done as a token to those who were unable to attend the ceremonies (or who weren't quite important enough to receive an invitation).
Michael Stipe
Interview magazine sits down to talk with R.E.M. front man Michael Stipe about his extraordinary career.
Writers at Their Typewriters
As the manufacture of typewriters slowly comes to a close, Guardian Books marks the end of an era with iconic images of authors at their keyboards.
Seven Ways to Beat Allergies Naturally
If you're like me, spring means not only budding trees and daffodils, but the onset of allergies, too. Here's a few helpful tips on reducing their severity.
The Long Life of the Vampire
Interesting essay in the Times Literary Supplement about the centuries old fascination with vampires in western fiction.
Italian Tins
Designer Louise Fili shares her wonderful collection of vintage Italian tins, now adorning shelves in her studio and providing her with daily inspiration.
A Basket of Strawberries
Saveur offers a selection of recipes for the first strawberries of the season. Yum.
(photo from hus & hem via spooky home)