This converted factory is now home to artistic director Marieke Wessels and designer and furniture maker Laszlo Balog. Located in a port surrounded by factories and industrial buildings, just a few miles from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, it's a return to the true loft living aesthetic. Creativity is everywhere — Marieke painted the huge yellow flower in the stairwell, and in the ground floor office the white desk she and her sister share was built by their father — as was the bedside table in the green bedroom. A children's chair by Laszlo sits in the kitchen area, while the two wooden cabinet "twins" in the living room — the original on the right made from recovered wood by Piet Hein Eek, with the one on the left a humorous replica by Laszlo — add storage and interesting texture to the space. A multifunctional and stimulating environment — perfect for the creative and interesting couple who live there. More here on Marie Claire Maison.