How to Steal Like an Artist
Austin Kleon offers brilliant advice on how to do good creative work. Utterly inspiring and a highly recommended read. Via kottke.
Killing Orson Welles at Midnight
Zadie Smith reviews The Clock, a 24 hour long film by Christian Marclay created by editing together clips of movies in which clocks appear. Love the idea and would love to see it, but don't know if I'd last through the whole thing...
Top 10 Fairy Tales
From 2005, but still interesting reading — Joyce Crick, winner of the Schlegel Tieck Prize for her translation of Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, also freshly translated and edited the classic fairy stories of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, called Selected Tales. She chooses her 10 favourites here, with intriguing commentary as to why she likes them.
Which Colours Should You Eat?
New York City-based artist Tattfoo Tan has come up with a brilliantly visual way of making sure you're eating right — his Nature Matching System represents 88 common fruits and vegetables as blocks of colors. You can also download the screensaver — not only will you have a pretty background, but it'll be a daily reminder to eat your veggies!
A Girl and Her Room
Photographer Rania Matar has an interesting project — she documents teenage girls in their rooms, from the USA and from the Middle East. Fascinating cultural contrasts — and some unexpected shared interests, too. Via The Morning News.
Orange Blossom Season
It's the season for bitter oranges, and their distinctive scent can be found in a variety of perfumes — follow the link for a little bit of history and how to find one that's right for you. Via The English Muse.
It's out! Make yourself some tea and settle down for a browse through the lovely first issue of TRADhome, the inspired online magazine collaboration between Lonny and Traditional Home.
Asparagus Casserole
Spring means asparagus (yay!), and though I usually like it prepared simply, this classic asparagus casserole is an intriguing alternative to the usual grilled, steamed or stir fried approach — the kind of thing my great grandmother would have served at her afternoon bridge parties.
(lovely room by Jennifer Post Design via EclecChic)