Name That Snow!
Thanks to, you can now impress your friends with your ability to find the mot juste for the snowy weather outside. Is it graupel, rime — and say, is that a pogonip over there?
Aidan's Charity:Water Project
Bits of Beauty blogger Jenn's son Aidan decided that for his 8th birthday he'd rather give the gift of clean water instead of getting gifts. So far he’s raised over $1,000 for Charity:Water in 2 weeks — now he's officially going for $5,000 to build an entire well. Follow the link to donate $8 (I just did!) and help him reach his fantastic goal.
Match Nostalgia
Jude Stewart muses on the stories behind her grandmother's collection of match books, gathered on business trips from the 1940s to the 80s, while buying ladies’ dresswear for a department store in Louisville, Kentucky. Don't miss the fun slide show. Via Design Observer.
In Character, Starring...
From Vanity Fair: "Photographer Howard Schatz had an idea: place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. Such was the premise behind his book, In Character: Actors Acting, which captures some of Hollywood’s most emotive stars in the act of, well, making faces." Hilarious — follow the link for a slide show of selections from the book.
What is Synesthesia Like?
Synesthesia — the ability to see sounds, hear colors and (though very rare) even experience taste sensations when certain words are spoken — is something that's mysterious for those of us with the standard set of senses. Now Israeli artist/musician Michal Levy, herself synesthetic, has created a series of short films that allow the rest of us to experience what she does. Fascinating and fun. Via Co.Design.
Oliver Twist's Workhouse Discovered
Ruth Richardson, author and historian of medicine, says she has identified the model for the workhouse in Oliver Twist – and that the building in central London is now facing demolition. A bittersweet story of history that Dickens himself would probably have been glad to see forgotten.
White Stripes Call It Quits
Fab band White Stripes have announced that they're splitting up — but for positive reasons. I think they're brilliant to go out on a high note — looking forward to seeing (and hearing) what they do in the future, too.
Ferris Bueller Board Game
This is awesome — artist Maxim Dalton made a fully playable board game version of Ferris Bueller's Day Off as part of a Gallery 1988 tribute show dedicated to John Hughes. Sadly it's not in mass production, but if you go to the show there's a little run of smaller copies available!
Dumpling World
Happy Chinese New Year! Saveur has rounded up a feast of 18 delicious dumpling recipes — not just from China, but from all over the world, too. Seems we all love a good dumpling!
(lovely photo by Joe Schmelzer via the Brick House)