Lonny Magazine
The latest issue of Lonny is online, and once again it's gorgeous! Get yourself a cup of tea and prepare to enjoy.
Adore Magazine
A lovely new online decor magazine based in Australia. Check out the newest issue, which is full of summery colour (perfect reading for those of us shivering in the north).
Brancusi Working
Check out this very rare short film of the sculptor Brancusi assembling one of his column works — and then goofing around with a friend and a dog. So cool that this exists. Via the Noguchi Museum on Twitter.
Tee Scarves
Wondering what to do with an old t-shirt that's too worn to give away? Make it into a very cool spaghetti scarf! Follow the link to the Method blog for easy instructions — you'll be wearing one in half an hour! Via pinterest.
Top 10 Talking Animals in Literature
Great list of novels featuring talking animals — ranges from The Golden Ass by Apuleius to The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.
Honey Laundering
Do you know where your supermarket honey is really from — and more importantly, what's in it? An eye opening story from the Globe and Mail — and a good argument for eating locally whenever possible.
Guess the Technology
Utterly sweet short video of modern-day French-Canadian schoolchildren in the role of 20th century archaeologists, guessing the uses of gadgets from the ’80s and ’90s. Via Francesca Tronchin.
10 Risotto Recipes
I'm a big fan of risotto — usually I'll make it plain (often with a handful of fresh spinach or asparagus), or I'll make Donna Hay's tomato and eggplant version — but these recipes from Saveur look fun to try, too.
(photo from family living via this pretty space)