Kareem of The Suitcase recently had a Christmas sale on a selection of prints — and though it may be (unfortunately) past now, do check out the new additions to his shop (at always very affordable prices)!
Ayse of Ayse Kozaci Jewelry has been adding some truly beautiful new items to her shop lately — such as these lovely Ancient Coin Earrings, a replica of an ancient Roman coin. Hand made in oxidized silver to give them an antique feel, the hammered sterling silver hoops are an additional perfect vintage touch. Available (on sale!) from her shop here.
Liza of Small Equals put on her photographer's hat recently, and the result is two beautiful and atmospheric 8 x 10 prints of vintage perfume bottles — plus a lovely story about how they came about, too. One of these would be so pretty framed and displayed over a dressing table! Purchase them from her shop here.