Jesper put his skills to use for the holiday, making almost all the Christmas decorations in the house himself — many were created from driftwood found on the beach and branches gathered from the forest. Felt is another material he made extensive use of, both for tree ornaments and for a dining table runner, which also helps with the acoustics — when there's a large gathering the sound tends to bounce off the high ceilings. The staircase leading from the living room to the second floor is also decorated with a charming Christmas sculpture, made by Jesper from a piece of driftwood decorated with black glass beads. It's a relaxed and minimalist approach to decorating for the holidays, celebrating with a nod to nature — rather refreshing during a season that tends to be heavy on the glitter. More (in Norwegian) here on Bo Bedre.
(photography by Lise and Septimius Krogh | House of Pictures)