The pretty home of Jessica and Lass Nederman and their two children is located just a few hundred yards away from Sofiero Castle outside Helsingborg. Called Sofiero Farm, the property contains not only their home, but also a barn, where Jessica has a shop featuring locally made crafts and furniture, and her own work, too — she's also a potter. When they purchased it all 14 years ago, the house was in dire shape, not having been lived in for 25 years — so much so that the surveyor didn't even value the 175 square foot house, just the land. But Jessica fell in love with the 1877 house anyway. Built originally as a residence for employees of Sofiero Castle, it originally housed seven families — which is why it had seven outside doors. One year of intensive renovations later (and more still ongoing), there are two less doors outside and a spacious and warm family home inside, where they happily celebrate (and decorate for!) the Christmas holidays. More photos here via Hus & Hem. (photography by Peter Carlsson)