Q & A With Laurie Anderson
More Intelligent Life recently had an interesting Q&A session with the brilliant performance artist Laurie Anderson about Delusion, her latest work.
How Twitter Made Handwriting Cool
In an age of email, messaging, texting, tweets and other forms of instant communication, more and more people are rediscovering the pleasures of the handwritten letter or note. Lovely article.
The Most Independent Woman in the World
Great book review by Jill Kitson of the new biography Hester: The Remarkable Life of Dr Johnson’s “Dear Mistress” by Ian McIntyre. And I agree with Jill — why on earth has there been no biography of this remarkable woman until now? Via Andrew (thanks!)
Dr. Martens at 50
Introduced to Britain in 1960, Dr. Martens have spent a half century being on the frontline of fashion. A look at their history as the footwear of choice for policemen, punks and everyone in between.
And the Winner Is...
Design Miami has named the German designer Konstantin Grcic as its Designer of the Year for 2010 — see a short and charming video of Grcic talking about how and why he designs (and his surprising must-have object). Via Sandy (thanks!)
Top 10 Time Travel Books
Author Charles Yu picks his ten favourite books on the theme of time travel, ranging from Jorge Luis Borges (always one of my own faves) to Madeleine L'Engle.
The Woman Who Brought Van Gogh to the World
Art lovers can thank Vincent van Gogh’s sister-in-law for introducing the artist’s work to the world.
Cranberry Scones
I usually only make scones during the Christmas season — with a mug of tea or coffee they're a light but satisfying way to start a day filled with lots of rich holiday food — but these ones with cranberries are tempting enough to try this weekend! From Annie's Eats, via Tastespotting.
(photo via emmas designblogg)