Hamburg Region + vintage

  • This week's Hallowe'en-themed posts. Enjoy.
    Top 10 Ghost Stories
    Author Kate Mosse picks her favourite ghost stories, ranging from Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart to Edith Wharton's Bewitched. A great list — and perfect reading for a long winter's night.
    Vintage Hallowe'en Candy Ads
    Design Crave has a fun post featuring vintage Hallowe'en candy ads — I particularly love the great illustrations.
    Patience Worth: Author From the Great Beyond
    Pearl Curran, a St. Louis housewife, channeled a 17th-century spirit to the heights of early 20th-century literary stardom. Extraordinary true story.
    Ghost Towns
    Tumblr collection of photos of ghost towns from all over the world. Eerie, sad and fascinating.
    A Dressing Down
    Pondering on costumes had me reading this opinion piece on The Smart Set with particular interest, positing that the relaxed dress codes so often viewed with dismay these days can also have the opposite effect: since anything goes, why not dress up?
    10 Spooky Animated Shorts
    The always great NFB (National Film Board of Canada) has put together ten spooky animated shorts for Hallowe'en on their site — grab some nibbles and settle in for some creepy fun!
    10 Literary Hallowe'en Costumes
    Looking for inspiration for the weekend costume party? Some quirky ideas from Lit Drift, for those who want something a bit more interesting than the usual mummy or vampire outfit. Via Random House on Twitter.
    Fleur de Sel Caramels
    Looking for a more sophisticated treat this Hallowe'en? These delicious little morsels are from Ina Garten of the Barefoot Contessa.
    (photo by Frances Janisch, styled by the wonderful Sweet Paul)