More Digital Adventures With Arcade Fire
Creative Review takes a look at Arcade Fire's fascinating new interactive film, which accompanies their track We Used to Wait.
British Pathé
British Pathé has the most amazing website — view films and still photographs from their entire archive of 90,000 videos of newsreel, sports footage, social history documentaries, entertainment and music stories from 1896 to 1976.
What's the Value of Home Grown Food?
Interesting article about the increasing interest in backyard food gardens — not only is it a way to save money at the grocery store, but it has intangible benefits to the spirit as well.
Unsuck It
Fun little site for anyone dealing with the horror of bad business jargon. For example, the appalling "Accelerated Emergence of High Maturity Behaviors" becomes "Faster results" when unsucked. Via Swiss Miss.
Designing Mad Men
From Design Observer: "The design enthusiasts weigh in on the debut of season four of Mad Men, set in late 1964: start-up Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce's new home is the Time-Life Building (perfect), and they've updated their moody late 50s interiors for a brighter, sleeker look, with all that smart, if slightly mismatched, furniture."
Three Books for the Self-Help Skeptic
Lisa Unger of NPR suggests three books that she found helpful at critical moments in her life — ones that helped her to clear her head, her closet and her life of negativity.
Can Heavy Metal Singers Actually Sing?
A classically trained voice teacher who knows nothing about metal analyzes five singers from the genre. Fascinating. Via kottke.
Women of the Sea
Fascinating documentary photos from the 1920s by Iwase Yoshiyuki of ama, Japanese women and girls who harvested seaweed, turban shells and abalone from beneath the coastal waters. Via a cup of jo.
(photo via Marie Claire Maison)