What was once an old farmer's cottage in Vaugines, Provence, is now the peaceful country retreat of Michele and Bruno Viard. Gently renovated with an eye to retaining the house's beautiful atmosphere (only natural materials were used), the original façade was kept, the only major structural change being a modest extension on the north side for a kitchen and bathroom. To keep the inside space as uncluttered as possible, the staircase to the second floor is outside. Inside, the decor is minimalist, keeping the focus on the stunning scenery surrounding them — most of the furniture was discovered in the local markets and then painted with natural pigments. Here they live in quiet tranquility, without the distractions of the telephone, television or the Internet — instead, their home has retained its role as both a refuge and a place to entertain their family and friends. More here (in French). Via Côté Maison. (Photography by Pierre-Jean Verger)