The Girls of Summer
"Practically from the onset (of the sport), women played baseball professionally—the first paid women’s game was played in 1875. But when women played the sport in the same manner as men did, without fumbling balls or getting confused... they were simply ignored." Abby Rapoport looks at the early history of women's baseball.
So You Want to Go Into the Donut Business?
Have a look at this 1946 pamphlet, produced by the Doughnut Corporation of America just after World War II, aimed at returning servicemen in search of business opportunities. Seems like there's always a trend in baked goods — nowadays it's cupcakes. Via The Morning News.
Red Eye
Illustrator Christoph Niemann's funny visual diary documenting a flight from New York to Berlin.
A Handy Bunch
Take a moment to look at your hands — and be grateful to your remote ancestors for the way they look and work. Scientists believe that it was making stone tools that helped propel their evolution, enabling us to develop to what we are today. Fascinating.
The Marion House Book: Per & Elana
Check out the inspiring and beautiful home of Per and Elana, on one of my fave blogs — the Marion House Book.
The Changing English Breakfast
The traditional cooked English breakfast is a rarity these days — less than 1% of England starts each day with one, compared to the 1950s when it was over 50% of the country. Curious to see what the English eat today, Cole Moreton set out on a lengthy road trip to find out what was on their breakfast tables each morning. Via The Browser.
Indie Bookstores Rising
Some good news for book lovers in New York — the rise of new independent bookstores. "Contributing to the resurgence is the local-is-better ethos, which has bled over from the culinary and fashion worlds, causing readers to crave a more human-scale shopping experience." Brilliant — and hope this spreads to other cities, too.
Positive Posters
Last year Melbourne-based designer Nick Hallam founded Positive Posters, an annual poster competition aimed at supporting graphic design that simply inspires and encourages people. You can find out how to submit your own poster design (before September 10) for Glass Half Full, this year's theme, here — and view a gallery of posters they've received so far here. What a great idea.
(photograph from emmas designblogg, via sfgirlbybay)