Lonny Magazine
The August/September issue of Lonny Magazine is out! Take a break and enjoy a lovely browse.
My Best Shot
Video clip of photographer Barry Lategan recalling capturing a then 16-year-old supermodel Twiggy on film: "(She)... came from what was then called the working classes, but she transcended snobbery by being who she was. Her portrait conveys acceptance, approval, acknowledgment."
David Byrne on Collaborating
Thoughtful and insightful entry from David Byrne's online journal about the collaborative process in music. Via The Browser.
In Japan, Living Large in Tiny Houses
Fascinating trend in Japan of building stunning homes on tiny plots of land — some as small as 300 square feet. Definitely makes you rethink just how much space you really need to live in.
Album Covers as Ikea Catalogue Pages
A Flickr set that takes classic album covers and turns them into Ikea catalogue covers. Utterly silly and fun. Via brainpicker on Twitter.
Top 10 Transformation Stories
Ali Shaw picks ten books about transformation, which he describes as "(s)tories about people transforming, often agonisingly, from one shape to another are not just ancient, they're primal. They occupied the earliest storytellers and continue to occupy us now." Great wide ranging list, from Ovid to Italo Calvino.
Brilliant short animated film by Johnny Kelly, created for his Royal Collage of Art graduate piece in 2007.
Green Beans with Garlic
The local green beans are fantastic right now, so I've been indulging quite a lot lately. Usually I just steam them, but this recipe looks wonderful. From Deliciously Organic, via Tastespotting.
(photo from design is my muse via Jodi McKee on Pinterest)