Who Do You Write Like?
I Write Like is a fun little statistical analysis tool that examines a sample of your writing (such as a blog post, journal entry or chapter of your unfinished book) and matches it to a famous author. Apparently I write like Vladimir Nabokov — who knew? Via Tina's lovely English Muse.
Three Students Open Their Own Summer Store
What a great idea.
Summer Reading at La Maison Boheme
I really like Sarah of La Maison Boheme's summer reading list — I think I'd like to check out pretty much everything on it. Lots of decor and pretty craft books.
The Story of Pink
In her latest project, photographer Lisa Kessler examines the many cultural meanings of the colour pink. Fascinating. Via ArtsJournal.
2010 Bad Writing Contest Winners
Since 1982 the English Department at San Jose State University has sponsored the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, challenging entrants to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels. Inspired by "It was a dark and stormy night," the immortal line of minor Victorian novelist Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, they haven't looked back since. Awesome.
The Extreme Art of South Pole Photography
Great little slideshow on NPR of those intrepid souls who photographed the South Pole, and the technical difficulties encountered (freezing camera shutters, for one).
Generation X-Wear: An Interview with Douglas Coupland
Best selling author Douglas Coupland is most famous for the novel that named an epoch: Generation X. What you might not know is that he first trained to be an artist and designer — and Coupland is now the creator of a fashion line, produced by the Canadian outdoors company Roots.
Italian Potato Salad with Green Beans, Tomato and Pancetta
This sounds like a great supper for a warm summer night. Veggie lovers can easily substitute another protein source for the pancetta, too. Via The Italian Dish.
(lovely photo by Debi Treloar for the book Simple Home, via Elle Interiør)