Paris Puts a New Twist on Old Dance Steps
Balls are making a comeback in the City of Light, decades after their heyday. Once they were found everywhere in the working-class neighborhoods of Paris, and now their charms are being rediscovered by a new generation. Love this.
Matisse at MOMA
This sounds like a standout show — and if you can't make it, check out the fun little interactive feature accompanying the NYT review, too.
The Newspaper Club
Have you dreamed of publishing your very own newspaper? Now you can, with the Newspaper Club. Simply upload and lay out your words and pictures — or you can use the site to send them a PDF. They print every Tuesday afternoon, and you'll get your papers in about a week. Such a great idea. Via things magazine.
George and Rosemary
From the National Film Board of Canada's amazing archives comes this classic from 1987, an animated short by Alison Snowden and David Fine that proves love doesn't come with a best before date. Sweet and funny.
Introducing the Interrobang
Great little New Yorker article by Deirdre Foley-Mendelssohn about a punctuation mark that never caught on — plus a link to a quiz that tests your knowledge of the more obscure punctuation forms. Thanks to Andrew for the link!
A History of Canned Laughter
Canned laughter, that (rather annoying) feature of sitcoms since the beginning of TV, has been around a surprisingly long time — at least five hundred years. Fascinating glimpse into a little-examined aspect of the performing arts. Via The Morning News.
Long Lost Silent Films Return to America
In 2009 Brian Meacham, a preservationist for the Los Angeles archive of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, decided to visit colleagues at the New Zealand Film Archive in Wellington while on vacation. There he was shown their huge archive of foreign films — left in the country after their initial runs simply because the studios didn’t want to pay for the return shipping. Some real gems have been rediscovered — hope we get to see these someday soon.
Easy Chocolate Ice Cream
And this Saveur recipe really is easy — just blend, pour into a container and chill. No ice cream maker, no stirring. Amazing.
(lovely photo from the latest Martha Stewart Living, via The City Sage)