Design Your Own Wallpaper* Cover
Such a great idea — for its upcoming August issue (The Handmade Issue) Wallpaper* is encouraging its readers to design their own cover, using an online design-it-yourself app.
Philip Glass: An Eventful Life
Jim Carroll of The Irish Times talks to composer Philip Glass about his long and varied career — one that's included working in a record store to driving a cab to sunbathing with Leonard Cohen. Via The Browser.
This website adds a rainy background sound to your environment. Interesting idea. Via things magazine.
Ten 20th Century Gothic Novels
Looking for a read to give you chills while you're baking in the heat this summer? Carlos Ruiz Zafón picks his favourite 20th century Gothic novels.
Ten Ways to Deal With Negative or Difficult People
Lori Deschene of Tiny Buddha offers helpful advice on how to deal with the unhappy people in our lives, remaining compassionate while avoiding being dragged down. Insightful and inspiring.
Floral Bees Nests
Charming story on NPR about recently discovered Turkish bees that make tiny beautiful nests from flower petals. Via Kottke.
Build Your Own Mid-Century Modern Birdhouse
Cute weekend project from Make magazine — and a really elegant design, too.
Asparagus, Snap Pea and Avocado Pasta
A great recipe for a light early summer supper — and really quick to prepare, too.
(the lovely photo is by Roland Bello)