Paris' Hidden Gems: Secret Movie Locations
A fun little tour of lesser known Paris as glimpsed through the movies, from Parisien Salon.
Tolstoy For Dabblers
Never got around to reading War and Peace? Some suggestions for taking another run at Tolstoy — both conventional (his last novel, which is relatively short) and unconventional — Android Karenina, the latest in the hit series of classics mashups.
Do Good Things Happen to Good People?
An interview with Dr. Stephen Post, director of the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics and president of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, which studies the relationship between altruism and happiness. Via the morning news.
A Life Devoted to the American Diner
Sarah Saffian of Smithsonian Magazine hangs out at the local diner with curator Richard Gutman — a man who has spent a career cataloging the best of American diners — discussing the history of the greasy spoon. There's a great glossary of diner slang accompanying the article, too — "in the alley" means on the side, "nervous pudding" is Jell-O, to mention a few.
Expo 70 Japan
Grain Edit had a great post recently featuring photos from Expo 70 in Japan. Stunning and futuristic architecture.
Top 10 Seafaring Tales
Carsten Jensen picks ten literary classics that would make perfect reading on the beach by the sea — or while cooling your feet in the kiddie pool in the backyard.
Vintage NASA Images
A flickr set devoted to old photos found in a bottom drawer at NASA. Via things magazine.
Grill Bread
Just in time for summer BBQ season — an amazing bread that cooks on the grill by Molly Watson, via her weekly guest post on sfgirlbybay. Fantastic (and delicious!) idea.
(lovely photo from elle decor via {this is glamorous} by way of fondly seen)