A History of Social Games
Interesting chart and history of social games — that is, games you play with other people — from ancient Egypt all the way to the present day. Via @brainpicker.
Friends, Lovers and Family
A fascinating chart depicting the complex connective relationships of artists, writers, architects, actors, painters, gentry and muses — from Mary Shelley to (of course) Kevin Bacon.
Towel Day
Every May 25, Towel Day is celebrated by fans of Douglas Adams (author of the classic Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series), the date of the wake held two weeks after Adams' sudden and untimely death in 2001. Such a talent and still missed.
The Greatest Shakespeare Hoax
In 1795 William-Henry Ireland committed a scheme so grand that he fooled even himself into believing he was William Shakespeare's true literary heir. Extraordinary story.
Poetry By Heart
Alison Flood ponders what poems to learn by heart. I think this is a fantastic idea — there are poems that are endlessly inspiring, poems that are fun, poems that give tremendous solace and insight into the human condition. What poem would you like to memorize someday?
Art Through An Anthropologist's Eye
Sarah Thornton is not an artist or critic, but a social scientist who has used ethnographic methods to study the behaviour of artists, dealers and curators. Interesting point of view. Via ArtsJournal.
To Haiti With Love
Haiti is still struggling to get back on its feet, and artists from around the world have donated their artwork to help out — send one of the artists' digital postcards on the To Haiti With Love site for £1 and help fund housing in Haiti.
How Ten Iconic Movies Almost Ended
The surprising endings that almost happened to ten big movies — the alternative Dr. Strangelove ending with a pie fight in the War Room sounds awesome! Via mental floss.
(photo — with utterly gorgeous painting — from the style files, via design is my muse)