Dorothea Lange: Drawing Beauty Out of Desolation
NPR has a great piece on photographer Dorothea Lange, who is probably best known for her photo "Migrant Mother," an iconic image of the Depression.
Ten of the Best Breakfasts in Literature
A fascinating list of breakfast in great literature, from the ideal morning feast lovingly described by the Rev Dr Folliot in Thomas Love Peacock's Crotchet Castle, to the bleak burnt porridge endured by the unfortunate pupils at Lowood School, in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre.
36 Hours in Kyoto, Japan
Jaime Gross of the New York Times reports on her busy and fascinating weekend in Kyoto.
A Change of Attitude Towards the Perfect Face
Interesting NYT article on how Hollywood filmmakers and casting executives are beginning to actively recruit more natural looking actors from Australia and Britain — the ones they see in the US are more and more artificial in appearance, thanks to the industry's widespread cosmetic surgery.
Turkey-Shaped Jell-O Mold Competition
New York artist and designer Danielle Spencer, a frequent collaborator with David Byrne, curates an annual “Turkey-shaped Jell-O Mold” competition — have a look at these highlights on ReadyMade.
Why Children Love Scary Stories
Great article about why kids (and adults) love stories about horror and the macabre (and — if you've read any fairy tales in their original versions — have for thousands of years) and why it's healthy for them, too.
A Newly Discovered Michelangelo?
From Kottke: "Everett Fahy, the former head of the European painting department at the Met, believes that one of the museum's paintings by Francesco Granacci is actually by Michelangelo." Art history as detective story. See a larger version on the Met's site here, too.
Scanning a Stradivarius
Just how did the legendary violin maker Antonio Stradivari create that amazing sound in his instruments? For centuries musicians and scientists have tried to recreate it — and now medical 3-D imaging is being used to study the anatomy of the world's greatest stringed instruments.
(the lovely photograph is by James Merrell)