Hamburg Region + music + film

  • This week's links. Enjoy.
    A French Revolution in Books
    Paris is actively taking steps to preserve its reputation as a bastion of literary culture, seeking to preserve the small bookseller tradition. Other cities — please take note.
    Early David Hockney
    Have a look here at some early prints by British painter David Hockney. Lovely work. Via @brainpicker.
    Hula Seventy
    If you haven't already seen this lovely blog, do hurry over now. Gorgeous photography and design, and wonderful posts to savour, too. A big fave.
    A History of 3-D From Stereoscope to Avatar
    New Yorker film critic Anthony Lane takes an indepth look at the history of 3-D. Fascinating.
    Robyn Beeche
    T Magazine has a great little slide show of Australian photographer Robyn Beeche's work, taken from a new book about her by Stephen Crafti. It features a selection of photos from the amazing early '80s London club scene. Stunning creativity.
    DIY Covered Storage Boxes
    Want to revamp your boring storage boxes? Check out this free download by Anne of The City Sage of two cute printable PDF patterns with matching labels! Anne covered the box lids with the patterned paper, and the bottom with brown kraft — they look great. Via The City Sage.
    Saveur 1st Annual Food Blog Awards
    Vote for your fave food blog in 9 different categories (some blogs overlap several). Lots of great food blogs — plus a few fab design ones, too (Remodelista and Design*Sponge are up for Best Kitchen Tools and Hardware Coverage).
    How to Write a Romantic Comedy
    Cute and amusing quiz that lets you write a classic rom-com. Just in time for the Oscars! Via lovely Jane of Ill Seen, Ill Said.
    (photograph taken by Siren Lauvdal and styled by Kråkvik & D'Orazio for the Jotun website, via emmas designblogg)