A Virtual Tour of sfgirlbybay
Etsy has a great little video tour of the beautiful apartment of sfgirlbybay this week — and there's a giveaway of one of Victoria's great prints, too!
Top 10 Victorian Detective Stories
Author James McCreet picks his favourite Victorian-era detectives (real and fictional) who, he writes, "... (a)rmed with little more than their wits and a sharp eye... were required simply to outsmart the criminals." Fascinating reading.
Plastic Bag
Stunning short film by Ramin Bahrani about a discarded plastic bag's search for its maker through an environmentally stark future — and its struggle with its own immortality. Voiced by Werner Herzog. Via @kottke.
The Auteurs
This is cool — follow the link to watch a selection of classic Cannes films online for free, including Amarcord, L'Avventura and Mon Oncle. Via grain edit.
Interesting essay by Julie Lasky on Design Observer about the design world's current return to an appreciation of beauty without irony. And about time, I'd say.
Steve McQueen Unseen
This week LIFE magazine published 20 never before seen photos of Steve McQueen. Steve looks seriously cool as always — and check out his groovy pad, too! Via the mid-century modernist.
New York City Polaroid Project
Polaroid photographs by Andrew Faris of New York. Lovely — he has a wonderful eye. Via the morning news.
Rambling Spoon
Travelling journalist Karen Coates reports on her encounters with food around the world. Fascinating and thoughtful — and a window into how the rest of the world eats.
(photograph via ariadne at home)