Mall Into Greenhouse
Acting on suggestions from its employees, Cleveland's Galleria Mall took its lost retail space and converted it into a greenhouse farm stand. Wonderful idea — and no critters nibbling the produce! Via Fast Company.
Lowest Bidder
A blog of the collages created by a former museum security guard from fine art auction catalogs. Playful and imaginative images. Via @crowandcanary.
Tom Waits Typography Video by Jackie Lay
Check out this beautiful and clever typography video by Jackie Lay, set to the Tom Waits song Eggs and Sausage. Created originally at SVA (School of Visual Arts), for a class taught by typographer Gail Anderson and motion graphics designer Dan Savage, Lay's assignment was to make a black and white music video in Aftereffects that just used typography. The result is atmospheric and lovely, capturing the mood of the song nicely. Via @eyemagazine.
The Homeplace
For the past 10 years Chicago-based photographer Sarah Hoskins has been documenting the inhabitants and settings of historic African-American hamlets in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky, many founded by freed slaves in the decade after the Civil War and still home to the fifth generation of those families. Hoskins has been racing against time to preserve their history before it disappears. The link above is to a slideshow on NPR — find out about her exhibition at the University of Kentucky Art Museum here.
Spring in Literature Quiz
Spring is finally on its way — and here's a quiz from the Guardian's Books section to get you in the mood for reading about this hopeful season.
50 Best Colour Sites for Designers
Print Magazine has put together a great online colour resource for designers (and anyone else who works with colour professionally). Bookmark this one. Via @ModernPostcard.
David Bailey Interview
A short interview with legendary photographer David Bailey, on the eve of an auction of some of his iconic portraits at Bonhams. Some great insights into what photography is (and isn't).
101 Cookbooks
Lovely food blog by Heidi Swanson that focuses mostly on natural and vegetarian whole foods and ingredients. Her recent post about Coconut Red Lentil Soup looks awfully good...
(photo of Virginia Armstrong's London home from the January 2009 issue of LivingEtc — thanks to Kate of the fabric of my life for the info!)