A Collection a Day 2010
Have you been following artist and illustrator Lisa Congdon's amazing project? Running for exactly one year (January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010), each day Lisa will photograph, draw or paint one collection — either her own existing ones (photographed) or imagined ones (drawn or painted). This blog documents the project. So inspiring — and I love her collections!
India 360
Take a little holiday without leaving your computer through this wonderful collection of 360-degree virtual tours of Indian temples and landmarks. Amazing. Via @brainpicker.
A wonderful food blog with great recipes and lovely photography — it'll have you cooking in no time. Recently picked by The Times as one of their top 50 food blogs, too.
Where to Meet When You Don't Have an Office
What do you do if you work from home, and a client wants to meet up with you? Addy Dugdale has some great (and often very funny) suggestions about what's good and what's definitely not so good. Via Fast Company.
Museum of Foreign Groceries
Fascinating flickr site with photos of some of the exotic (and at times surprising) packaged foods from other countries. Barbie pasta, anyone? Via @littlebrownpen on twitter.
Mark Twain Tells Off a Snake Oil Peddler
A hilarious letter written by Mark Twain in response to a fraudulent medicine salesman.
CultureLabel acts as a central point for UK museum shops, such as those of Tate, the V&A, The British Museum and others — the items of participating museums are grouped together on the CultureLabel website for easy browsing (purchasing and shipping is handled by each individual museum). Most ship overseas, too — great news if you saw something while on holiday in London and were too rushed to pick it up! Via @artnetdotcom.
The Six Word Memoir
From NPR: "Smith Magazine invited writers "famous and obscure" to distill their own life stories into exactly six words. It All Changed in an Instant is the fourth collection of very, very brief life stories from Smith. The tiny memoirs are sometimes sad, often funny — and always concise." Have a look at the NPR site for six word memoir contributions from readers, too.
(photograph from LivingEtc, May 2008 issue)