Blog It Forward
The Blog It Forward event began yesterday, and I'm really excited to be one of the 300 blogs involved! Organized by Victoria of sfgirlbybay, participating bloggers post about what they find inspiring, and then link to the preceding and following blogs to their their own post. Follow the link to see who's taking part.
A Spoonful of Sustainability
Those disposable plastic utensils and containers add up to a lot of waste — here are some handy tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint when it comes to lunchtime (and frankly, I think stylish metal tiffins and bamboo forks are much more fun)!
Strange Maps
An intriguing site dedicated to odd maps and their fascinating histories, such as their latest post about the Secret Caves of the Lizard People — part of an amazing but true story of 1930s Los Angeles, when G. Warren Shufelt, a mining engineer was busily looking for the mysterious underground city beneath LA that he believed was there, complete with fabulous treasures and a lost civilization of Lizard People. Wild stuff.
The Woman Who Inspired Pollock
Turns out, those famous paintings by Jackson Pollock were inspired by Janet Sobel, an artist whose critically admired early 1940s drip paintings prompted him to explore the possibilities of that style and essentially found the Abstract Expressionist school. Rather than rise likewise into fame and fortune, Sobel dutifully moved with her husband and family to Plainfield, New Jersey, and soon fell into obscurity.
Nerd Boyfriend
Style icons for your nerdy boyfriend. Lots of fun. Via sfgirlbybay.
Silent Storyteller
A lovely meditative blog about fashion (past and present) and the people who inspire it through their own sense of style. Really inspiring and wonderful.
The Buster Keaton Cure
Charles Simic treats himself to a round of Buster Keaton shorts when he's feeling blue — and I can't think of a better way to cheer oneself up. Follow the link to view several Keaton shorts in full, too.
The Sunday Times Market
A great Etsy shop that specializes in vintage, mid century and Danish modern finds. I've already spotted a few things that would be perfect here! Via @FOKaL.
(the lovely photograph is by Joanna Henderson)