Sand Animation
Kseniya Simonova won Ukraine's Got Talent 2009 competition with her dramatization of Germany's invasion of Ukraine during WWII, performed with sand on a giant lightbox. You absolutely have to watch this — it's one of the most stunning performance art pieces I've ever seen. Most of the audience was in tears by the end, too. Via kottke.
all the mountains
I discovered this beautiful blog thanks to another lovely blog — mint — through ellie's post about her favourite three blogs for January. Gorgeous photos of fashion, art, design and food.
twitter backgrounds by nate williams
Really cool Twitter wallpaper designs by the always wonderful artist Nate Williams — plus there's links to his wallpaper designs for computers and iPods/iPhones. Via @howaboutorange on Twitter.
The Legacy of Grace Kelly
The New Yorker reviews the latest book about the life of Grace Kelly, and examines the odd contradictions between her public persona and her private life (which are still argued about to this day).
The Decade's 14 Biggest Design Moments
Fast Company has a slide show of the 00's biggest design moments, including the iPod, touchy technology (think Minority Report), the rise of Etsy, altruistic design and the Mini. Via Design Observer.
What a great idea. From the profile in Good: "... Reknit is a new project launched by the graphic designer Haik Avanian that turns old sweaters into handsome new objects—with the help of Avanian's mom. This month, she's making scarves. You simply send an old sweater to Avanian's mom; she then unravels it and transforms (or reknits) it into a new, one-of-a-kind scarf."
The Modern Compendium of Miniature Automata
Beautifully designed website devoted to the design of tiny and impractical machines. A pleasure to visit. Via Cabinet magazine.
Cranberry Orange Bread
This is one of my fave tea breads during the holidays, but this year I just didn't have time to make some. So, I think I might break tradition and bake a loaf or two this month (and actually have time to enjoy it, too)! Recipe from oh my babycakes!, via Tastespotting.
(beautiful photograph from Workstead, via still wondering)