50 Best Food Blogs
The Times recently chose 50 of their favourite food blogs — some familiar to me, many which I'm looking forward to discovering. Congrats to those on the list, too!
The Largest Book in the World
It's 350 years old, measures 5 feet tall, 6 feet wide and takes six people to lift it. Presented to Charles II by Dutch merchants, The Klencke Atlas was placed in the King's cabinet of curiosities where it remained, unseen by the public. Until now, that is, when the British Library announced on Tuesday that it will be displayed as one of the stars of its big summer exhibition about maps (which sounds like an amazing show). Follow the link to see the photo!
Unhappy Hipsters
A Tumblr that posts cheeky comments to photos from Dwell magazine. Heavy emphasis on existential despair — and very amusing, too.
Chilled By Choice
It's hard to believe (especially for me, living in Canada as I do) but there are a few hardy souls who do without heat in the winter. Penelope Green of the New York Times visits the homes of people who like it cool. Brrrrr.
Julianne Moore
An interview with the wonderful Julianne Moore, who must be the most grounded star in Hollywood. Lovely inside and out.
A beautiful and thoughtful blog that reflects the wide ranging interests of its creator Liane — art, photography, fashion, crafts and more. Always a fascinating read.
Fairtrade Fashion
Supermodel and Traid spokesperson Erin O'Connor describes how a home workers' collective in Delhi is sparking a revolution in the rag trade — and giving thousands of skilled women the chance of a better life, too.
Do You Know Your Aliens?
A fun little quiz from New Scientist.
(photo via 101 woonideeën magazine)