A French Connection
Did you know that the first American Thanksgiving was a French meal? A fascinating glimpse into food history.
The Lego Engagement
A designer courtship — cute and original. Via Design Observer.
Feasting on Art
A fascinating blog about art, food and photography — author Megan prepares dishes inspired by a painting or other artwork and then photographs and posts the results (and recipes). Clever — and delicious, too. Via Design Milk.
Printable Advent Calendar
Mibo has a beautifully designed free advent calendar on their site that you can print out and (with a little help from a glue stick and a craft knife) make for yourself. Pretty and modern. Via How About Orange.
Tim Burton Fonts
Want your next missive to look like it's from Willy Wonka or Sleepy Hollow? Check out these free downloadable fonts from the Tim Burton Collective for slightly macabre fun. Via whimsy and spice.
Why We Use Cookbooks
Adam Gopnik of the New Yorker muses on what exactly we're doing when we buy and read cookbooks. Seems it's much more complex than falling in love with pretty pictures, or just wanting a recipe or two...
Lovely Paper
A great blog by Dawn, who makes beautiful things out of paper.
Dutch Landscapes
Beautiful images of the Dutch countryside by photographer Jan Koster. There's something about the quality of the light and the at times almost abstract composition in these photos that I find really appealing. Via things magazine.
(photo via my archive of Domino Deco Files)