Tom Motts photographs abandoned buildings — mostly asylums and psychiatric hospitals — documenting their slow transformation from the ravages of time. Hauntingly beautiful images.
19th Century Dust Jackets
A lovely blog devoted to the dust jackets of 19th century books, all beautifully scanned with lots of detail. Makes you fall in love with books all over again. Via The Morning News.
California Haunted Houses
The lovely CasaSugar blog has a fascinating feature this week on the most haunted hotels and homes in California.
Alternative Games
Jess Haskins, a game design student, has assembled a great collection of links to dreamlike, noncompetitive and beautifully designed online games on her blog Blue Tea. Via things magazine.
Scary Beginnings
Quiz time: can you match the Hollywood star to their humble horror movie beginnings? And, judging by my score, apparently I don't watch enough cheesy bad horror movies from the 80s and 90s. Ha. Via mental floss.
Urban Golf
An interesting combination of sport, social commentary and performance art, urban golf has players teeing off on the street, sidewalks, in alleys or on top of buildings. Parks are avoided, though not prohibited — urban golf organisations tend toward using disused or under utilised urban areas to play golf, not just to reduce the risk of damage or injury, but also as a statement toward the development and reuse of the city. Fascinating. Via Pruned.
Hallowe'en Paper Crafts
Canon has a fun section on their site devoted to great Hallowe'en paper crafts you can print out on your home printer — decorations, masks, and gift boxes. Via How About Orange.
A lovely art and design blog that I'm happily reading now that I've found it. You'll love it, too.
(photograph from my archive of Domino Deco File images)