Aneta of Bobbin Talk is in the midst of developing Fashion eTutor, a series of fashion accessory design eclasses that draws on her extensive experience as an Accessory Design instructor at Parsons, a designer for Ralph Lauren and of her own Fashion for Technology line — plus the Accessory Design Textbook she's currently writing with Fairchild Publications. The first Fashion eTutor eclass will be Fundamentals of Accessory Design, with visuals and galleries of step by step images on how to create concepts, research and design an accessory collection as well as how to sketch and present. Sounds like an amazing series! Shown above is a reconstructed dress by Parsons students Katie Leaver and Victoria Choi, created for the Parsons — Louis Vuitton Reconstruction event.
Christina of the lovely My Sparrow shop has a wonderful fall highlight series going on right now, which highlights one of their unique items on the site each week over the course of 10 weeks. The beautiful series is currently being featured on the My Sparrow blog, too. I'm happy to see that one of the feature items is the wonderful Sophie Conran ware — as you may know, I'm a huge fan!
Kareem is keeping madly busy as always — this month his work will be appearing in the Cut and Paste show at Galleri KG52 in Stockholm, Sweden; the Life Essentials show at Art Whino Gallery in Washington DC; in ART BASEL Miami Beach and in the upcoming Cutters show at Cinders Gallery in New York. He also designed the seriously cool pair of Keds ladies canvas shoes above, soon to be released at And the original print of his collaboration with Brazilian artist Eduardo Recife will soon be available from inPRNT, too.