Vintage Travel Posters
The Boston Public Library has uploaded a great collection of vintage travel posters onto Flickr. Amazing. Via Design Observer.
Les Fifoles
A charming French blog filled with the prettiest pictures.
75 Ways to Draw More
Quirky and inspiring downloadable book by Michael Nobbs that will get you drawing in no time. Great idea. Via @Theispot on Twitter.
Best Veggie B&Bs in France
Slideshow of beautiful French B&Bs that offer vegetarian cuisine and more — and that are lovely enough to tempt even the most carnivorous traveler.
The Lost Art of Handwriting
Author Umberto Eco (The Name of the Rose) muses on the decline of good handwriting.
Three Minute Fiction
From NPR: "Our contest has a simple premise: Listeners send in original short stories that can be read in three minutes or less. We're posting our favorite entries here every week until The New Yorker's James Wood picks our winning story and reads it on the air." Wonderful idea. Via 3quarksdaily.
Sunday Magazine Paper Doll
Artist Ilisha Helfman makes a paper doll every week from the cover of the New York Times Magazine. Beautiful work. Via Design Observer.
Fig Spread, Pear and Brie Flatbread
This sounds like an utterly decadent version of the humble open face sandwich. Goodness. From CSA Delivery, via Tastespotting.
(photograph via my archive of Domino's Deco Files)