Stop Plagiarism Now
Tina of the wonderful English Muse blog had a heartfelt post this week about the disturbing trend of copycat bloggers, and tells of how two blogger friends of hers recently had their templates stolen, entire chunks of their content stolen — and one even had her blog name stolen! A must read.
Top Ten Turkish Books
Turkish novelist Selçuk Altun picks ten jewels of Turkish literature. I'll be adding a few of these titles to my book list.
City One Minutes
The City One Minutes site is a personal impression by artists of life in their city, divided into 24 one minute portraits, each depicting one hour of the day. Over a hundred cities are covered, from all around the globe. Via Swiss Miss.
The Women's Crusade
Changing the lives of women and girls in developing countries can change everything — witness the growing recognition among everyone from the World Bank to the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to aid organizations like CARE that focusing on women and girls is the most effective way to fight global poverty and extremism. Excellent NYT article by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.
Chocolate-Scented Stamps
Last month France's postal service La Poste released a limited edition chocolate-themed — and chocolate-scented! — set of ten postage stamps to celebrate the 400th anniversary of chocolate's arrival in France in 1609. Getting mail with these would not only be fun, but delicious. From Serious Eats, via A Cup of Jo.
Daydream Lily
Simply one of the loveliest and most enjoyable blogs I know — if you haven't seen it, you're in for a treat. Liss is one of the best.
Weighty Thoughts
Curious science — a new psychology study finds that holding heavy objects makes us see things as more important. Via Not Exactly Rocket Science on Science Blogs.
Roasted Tomato Soup with Parmesan Crisps
A lovely way to take advantage of all the fresh tomatoes currently in season. By The Italian Dish, via Tastespotting.
(photograph from my archive of Domino Deco Files)