Alternative Summer Festivals
Five offbeat and fun summer festivals from around the world. From Gimundo, via Guy Kawasaki on Twitter.
Ten Tales of the American Frontier
Chris Hannan picks ten novels set in the Old West, from Mark Twain to Willa Cather.
The Worst Recipe in the World
Tim Hayward recently had a rare opportunity to look through legendary food writer Elizabeth David's personal collection of cookbooks — cranky annotations and all — and reproduces the recipe for her pick of what she described as "the most revolting dish ever devised." It really is quite awful.
The Bicycle Film Festival
The Bicycle Film Festival is a "celebration of bicycles through film, art, and music." It also sounds like a whole lot of fun. Check out the site to see the cute promo — and to find out if it's at a city near you, too. Via Boing Boing.
Bound for Success
Have a look at a selection of the 117 shortlisted submissions in the first Designer Bookbinders International Competition, in which entrants from 29 countries offer their interpretations of the theme of water. The exhibition is at the Bodleian Library in Oxford until August 1. Stunning work.
Giving Up My iPod for a Walkman
13-year-old Scott Campbell reports on his experiences with old school technology when he swapped his iPod for a Walkman for a week. Really interesting to see what he has to say.
A great blog by Szaza, a Turkish artist based in Istanbul. I particularly love her beautiful Moleskin sketchbook drawings of everyday life in her city, with scenes of cafes, bus rides, and vignettes of things found on the street. She takes great photos, too!
The Amateur Gourmet
Great foodie site by Adam Roberts — a fun read with lots of delicious recipes.
Photograph via emmas designblogg.