The Selby
Stunningly lovely blog that showcases photographs by Todd Selby of "...interesting people and their creative spaces." A must see.
Hunting the Elusive First "Ms"
The idea of using Ms to refer to a woman without specifying her marital status is older than you'd think — there's evidence that it was considered as a viable alternative in 1901 (and possibly even earlier).
Mobile Phone Art
Intriguing and delicately beautiful moving mobile phone art, created by Kojima Kaori (aka KOJIKO), a Japanese graphic designer based in Sapporo Japan. Via Shift.
Top Ten Out of Town Tales
Edward Hogan picks ten novels that are set in small towns or villages rather than the big city, choosing writers such as Annie Proulx, William Trevor and Alice Munro. As he says, "These stories show that you don't need to write about big cities to say big stuff."
Logo Nicknames
Some of the most staid corporations have surprisingly cheeky nicknames for their logos, such as GE (The Meatball), AT&T (The Death Star), and Warner Communications (Two and a Half Hotdogs). Follow the link for more. Via Kottke.
The Big Picture
Amazing photographs taken of our planet over the last few months by astronauts on board the International Space Station — including the eruption of Sarychev Peak Volcano. Wow.
Jean-Luc Godard Interviews Woody Allen
From 1986. Via grain edit.
A nice version of the classic summer soup by Josie of Pink Parsley. Via Tastespotting.
(photograph via Domino's Deco Files)