David Lynch Interview Project
This sounds fascinating — David Lynch has just launched Interview Project, described by Lynch as "a road trip where people have been found and interviewed." Taking in 20,000 miles from the US west coast to east (and back) in 70 days, a new film will be up online every three days. So far 121 interviews have been filmed. Can't wait. Via the Creative Review blog.
Diana of the always lovely Diana : Muse blog has just created Beautimuse, a new blog devoted to large format versions of her own photography and design. Her latest addition is a stunning series of photos of peonies that are just amazing — go see.
Discovered: Unpublished photos of Marilyn Monroe
From NPR: "In 1950, Ed Clark snapped the budding starlet and sent his prints to Life magazine. At the time, she was unknown, and there was no interest — although just two years later she would grace the cover. These photos went unpublished until about a month ago, when Life.com rediscovered them."
Donna Hay: Plum and Cashew Chicken Salad
A lovely quick recipe from Donna Hay — perfect for a light summer supper.
A Robot A Day
Fun blog by a talented Canadian designer, who features one of her cute hand made soft robots every day — and which you can buy for your very own from her Etsy shop, too. Via Swiss Miss.
Top Ten Artworks in Novels
Ian MacKenzie picks ten novels that feature fine art as occasions for everything from assignations to arson.
Five Things Happy People Do
Holly of Decor8 tweeted about this the other day — an inspiring and thought provoking article from Oprah online.
Photo Journal: Pictures of the Day
From WSJ's regular (and always striking) series of photographs of news from around the world. Via Kottke.
Photograph via Domino's Deco Files