Tight Times Loosen Creativity
Recently The New York Times posted a request on its website, asking artists to describe how the economy is affecting them. Hundreds responded, and, to the surprise of the editors, many were defiantly upbeat despite grim circumstances, with many of the messages expressing a determination to "... push through this rough patch and make the most of it." Awesome. Via ArtsJournal.
Merci, Karl!
Arnaud Maillard talks to the German newspaper Spiegel on the occasion of the new German translation of his book Merci Karl!, a memoir of his years spent working as the right-hand man of the highly eccentric Karl Lagerfeld. Very bittersweet. Via The Morning News.
Oddest Book Title Prize
As the Diagram prize launches the search for the oddest book title of the last 30 years, the Guardian puts together a slide show of some of the strongest contenders from the award's glorious history. There are some seriously wild titles out there...
Message in What We Buy, But Nobody's Listening
Do we buy name brand or luxury items to impress ourselves or others? Do other people notice or care? Fascinating article about the signficance of what we buy/use/wear.
Rules for Time Travelers
Sean Carroll of Discover magazine sets out the rules for movie time travel, based on our current understanding of the laws of physics. Very nerdy, but kinda fun to think of being able to make a cogent argument should this topic arise while at the local pub with pals (and really, I can't think of anywhere else you'd seriously discuss this). Via Kottke.
The Fashion That Is Uniquely Cannes
These days the Cannes Film Festival is considered the last bastion of adventurous red carpet dressing, thanks to its large contingent of accomplished and independent-thinking women in the film industry, of all ages and nationalities. Little slide show here, too.
In Defense of Eye Candy
Stephen P. Anderson makes a thoughtful and well argued case for aesthetics in design. Read it just before your next client meeting — or lunch with the folks. Via grain edit.
A site devoted to photographs of interesting signage for stores, businesses and more — mostly retro, some new. Very cool stuff. Via things magazine.
Photo via Domino's Deco Files.