Finally, A New Film for Polaroid?
After all the talk, it looks like it's really going to happen. A small group of Dutch scientists and an Austrian entrepreneur have now dedicated themselves to the task of reinventing Polaroid’s instant film. Keeping my fingers crossed. Via Design Observer.
NPR Summer Reading List 2009
Lots of great suggestions for summer reading to suit every mood — and everyone.
Blue Moss
A lovely blog dedicated to pretty things — and be sure to have a look at the wonderful blue moss etsy shop, too, featuring jewelry made from found and vintage items.
The Case for Working With Your Hands
An eloquent argument about how work that involves manual labour requires as much (if not at times more) in the way of intelligence and complexity of problem-solving as desk-oriented jobs, and is deserving of much more respect than it often receives.
Evil Lair: On the Architecture of the Enemy in Videogame Worlds
Fun look at the architectural influences and ideas behind the design of bad guy lairs in videogames. BLDGBLOG, via things magazine.
Alice Munro Wins Booker!
Canadian short story writer Alice Munro has won the Man Booker International Prize. Fantastic.
What's More Alive Than You
Andreas, a fine arts student at the Royal Academy in London, emailed me recently about a project he's participating in — WMATY, a new Milan-based fashion/art initiative open to artists, architects, fashion designers and other creative people interested in designing shoes, bags and fashion accessories. If your design submissions are accepted, WMATY will cover the costs of production and distribution and sell the items on their website, while the designer pockets the (6%) royalties. Deadline to enter is July 3 2009.
Twitter for Designers: 85+ of the Best
Mashable has assembled a great list of designers who tweet about everything from their design process to their own projects, and who share design resources from all over the web, too. Via Print Magazine.
Photograph via Domino's Deco Files